Pharmacy Services

Our Pharmacy Services Include:

  • Prescription Compounding for you or your pet.
  • Medication Synchronization
  • Prescription Unit Dose
  • Prescription Delivery (Monday – Friday)

What is Compounding Medication?

Compounded medicine deals with the creation of a specific drug or prescription composition to meet the unique needs of the patient. Patients can be either human or animal for example, you or your pet! Compounding pharmacists work with doctors, veterinarians, and their patients to determine the best tolerated forms and strengths for their medications.

Scenario 1

​If an elderly person or child needs a reduced strength of medication or has trouble swallowing a large pill, our compounding pharmacy can make this drug into a deliciously flavored liquid form for easier use.

Scenario 2

If your pet has a hard time taking medicine or just refuses to swallow pills, we can compound their prescription into other forms that are easier to administer like liquids, capsules, or even gels.

Our Medicine Compounding Services:

  • Retail Prescriptions Compounding

  • Veterinary Compounded Medication

  • Pediatric Compounding Medications

  • Dermatological Preparations

  • Dental Compounded Medication

We also do customized flavors and flavoring additions

Prescription Compounding

We can make medications into different forms:

  • TDG (Transdermal Gel)
  • PLO (Pluronic Lecithin Organogel)
  • Liquids
  • Capsules
  • Suppositories

Medication Synchronization

This is a program we offer where all of your medications are “synced” together. This allows you to make a once a month (perhaps every 3 month) trip to the pharmacy!

We can also unit dose or “bingo card” your medications so you know what you are taking, when to take it, and if you have taken it already! This also reduces the stress and pain of opening and closing prescription bottles.

Get in Touch

Need advice or assistance? Contact us for expert help with product inquiries or any questions. We’re dedicated to supporting you on your healthcare journey